Activation Condition
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Activation Condition

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Article Summary


Activation conditions allow you to define conditions based on which the reports can be generated or restricted.

For example, you may want to:

  • Restrict the data to which the user has access to protect sensitive data.
  • Prevent the report from containing too much data, e.g. too many pages (table).
  • Prevent the user from generating a report if correct data is not selected.
  • A "per branch" report may require selecting one branch first.
  • The Monday morning report may only work between 7 am and 10 am on Mondays.
  • ..and so on.

ancoreShare Extension allows you to apply conditions for all such cases and more.

Besides this, you can also define a message that is displayed when the condition is not fulfilled and the user is prevented from generating the report.

Specifying Activation Condition

Click fx to open the expression editor and specify the condition that must be fulfilled (true) for report generation.

For example, to allow report generation only when the sum of sales exceeds 8 Million, you can provide the condition as:

=Sum([Sales Amount]) < 8000000

Here's another example showing how to restrict the selection count in the Sense field to generate the report. In this example, the report will be generated only when the user selects at least one "state name" in the Sense sheet but does not exceed 5.

=GetSelectedCount(state_name) >= 1 and GetSelectedCount(state_name) <= 5

Refer to the Qlik documentation to know more about the expression editor.

Inactive message

Provide a message to be displayed when the user is not allowed to generate the report. This message would pop up in an orange box in the upper right corner of the Sense sheet.

For example, if the condition mentioned above is not fulfilled, you can display a message as:
"Sum of Sales Amount is less than 8 Million, please add more categories."


The Preview Window also respects the activation condition. The report preview will be displayed only when the activation condition is fulfilled. When the condition is not fulfilled, you will see the inactive message (if configured).

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